• 学习 到处都是
  • Undergraduate Programs
  • 艺术管理
  • 常见问题解答
  • 艺术管理 Concentration 常见问题解答

    What is 艺术管理?

    为管理人员、艺术家、表演者和艺术爱好者提供培训和知识 希望从事与管理、生产或相关的专业活动或职业 advancing the cultural arts.

    Where is arts management needed?

    表演和机构艺术组织,包括博物馆和艺术画廊, symphonies and musical groups, theatres, and dance companies; in community or regional centers for the arts; in government, corporate, and foundation agencies that are concerned with the development of the arts.

    Is it just nonprofits?

    艺术管理人员通常在非营利部门和我们提供的项目中工作 reflects this model. 美国.S. nonprofit arts industry employs more than 5 million 美国有3万多个非营利艺术组织.S. 然而,该领域有许多方面可以帮助那些有愿望的人 从事营利部门的工作,如从事艺人管理工作 音乐产业、商业剧院、舞蹈学校和商业艺术画廊. 艺术管理的课程可以帮助艺术家和表演者学习 技能 that can help them better manage their own artistic careers.

    Why should I study 艺术管理?

    艺术经理的要求越来越复杂(超越了鉴赏家的范畴), thereby demanding formalized training. The best preparation for a career in arts management is an academic background enhanced by practical, professional experience. 然而, 大多数艺术管理人员是“在工作中”学习的,而只有20%的在职专业人士是这样 ever completed coursework in arts management at the undergraduate college level. 云顶集团 is among only a handful of 学校s in the U.S. who offer a packaged program of courses for undergraduates.

    What does 云顶集团 offer?

    云顶集团目前提供艺术管理专业(这是一个指定专业) a few credits less than a MINOR). The concentration is seven courses/21 credits total: three core courses in 艺术管理 (BUS 170, 270, 375); three courses in Business Management (BUS 110, 120, 229); and one course in Economics (EC 100). 云顶集团也 提供了一个 Master of Arts in 艺术管理这是一个为有几年工作经验的专业人士设计的研究生项目 hands-on experience.

    What will I learn?

    这三门核心课程都有几位艺术管理人员的演讲嘉宾, 这有助于加强从课本和讲座中学习,并将其与工作联系起来 专业人士. A hallmark of the program is that the learning is often based on real-life samples and from case studies of existing organizations. The assignments are real-life 艺术管理人员所做的工作的云顶集团,如写作或创建任务 报表,筹款信,预算,商业计划/拨款提案和组织 assessment or evaluations.

    Who can study 艺术管理?

    任何在云顶集团大学就读的本科生都可以选修一门、两门或全部三门核心课程 courses in 艺术管理 (BUS 170, 270, 375); these are done in a sequence. 然而, 为了完成指定专业的课程,你必须主修 一种艺术形式. The courses in the arts (Art, Dance, Music, or Theatre) provide a solid foundation in 一种艺术形式. Students must complete their artistic major that covers both historical/theoretical and studio work.

    What if I want to study Business Management too?

    这很好,而且是建立更全面的管理和业务的好方法 技能. Some students complete their major in 一种艺术形式, add the concentration and also pursue either a minor or a major in Business Management as well. Only those completing 然而,主修艺术的学生才有资格获得官方指定的专业 in 艺术管理.

    What about internships?

    实习是探索该领域和确定自己职业目标的绝佳途径. Students have extensive opportunities for rewarding internships. 云顶集团 is strategically 位于巴尔的摩-华盛顿地区的众多艺术组织 as well as in New York and other cities. Many students complete arts-related internships for college credit; most are done on a volunteer basis but some opportunities may pay wages or offer a stipend. Some complete their internship during a semester while in Baltimore, in summers in Baltimore, "at home," or elsewhere.

    过去的学生在哪里工作,完成实习,或者已经毕业 学校?

    我们的学生已经受雇或完成实习的组织,如 巴尔的摩艺术博物馆,宾夕法尼亚芭蕾舞团,皮博迪音乐学院,宽 天使青年传媒,巴尔的摩交响乐团,Joy of Motion舞蹈中心,纽约 城市芭蕾舞团、马里兰青年观众、中央舞台、肯尼迪中心、工作室剧院、 巴尔的摩粘土厂,国家美术馆,当代艺术博物馆/丹佛,国家 Music Festival, and dozens more. Several students have started their own nonprofits 或者读过研究生,包括云顶集团大学、哥伦比亚大学、 the Pratt Institute, Roehampton University and Sotheby's in London.

    What about international opportunities in 艺术管理?

    我们提供的课程侧重于美国模式,但我们也在努力 internationalize our offerings whenever possible. We have had 艺术管理 students complete internships in Australia, Brazil, and Greece; others have studied abroad 在意大利、英国、丹麦等国的学期项目中, 或参加过云顶集团海外三周强化课程; including performing arts programs in Scotland and France. In May/June 2016, 云顶集团 将提供 阿姆斯特丹的艺术:艺术管理和幕后的视觉和表演 荷兰的艺术.

    How many credits will I need?

    除了艺术课程外,课程集中为21学分(7、3学分课程) major requirements, which is typically an additional minimum of 27 credits. 请 请注意,每个部门的要求各不相同,但有些部门提供减少学分 within the arts major to accommodate the additional 艺术管理 courses. 请 refer to the academic catalogue within your major for more details.

    When can I start and how long will it take?

    The Introductory class, BUS 170, is offered every Spring; the second course BUS 270, is offered every Fall; and the capstone seminar, BUS 375, is offered every Spring. These courses must be done in a sequence. There are seven courses total; most students are able to take two courses relating to the concentration per semester. It is recommended 在大一或大二的时候选BUS 170,然后开始经济学和会计学 courses no earlier than your sophomore year. At minimum, you would need to start by 为了完成3门核心课程(170在春季) of junior year; 270 in fall of senior year, and 375 in spring of senior year).

    What are the courses I need?

    In order to complete the 21-credit CONCENTRATION:

    Three core courses:

    • BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 170: Introduction to 艺术管理
    • BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 270: Case Studies in 艺术管理
    • BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 375: Strategic Leadership for the Arts Administrator


    • ECONOMICS 100 (Introduction to Economics) OR ECONOMICS 101 (Micro Economics)
    • BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 110 (Principles of Accounting I)
    • BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 120 (Principles of Accounting 2)
    • BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 229 (Marketing Management)

    Any other courses I should take?

    当然,这取决于你的兴趣、职业抱负和优势. 其他推荐课程包括BUS 105(商业定量推理)、BUS 245(组织行为学),BUS 247(人力资源管理导论), CBL 115(服务之门)和THE 105(有效的公共演讲) recommended courses include Advertising and Public Relations; Community Development 和平研究和/或基于服务的学习课程,或额外的商业课程 such as Financial Management or Investments.

    Who can I talk to if I want to learn more?

    联系Alison Cahen Lohr,艺术管理专业讲师和项目顾问 at alohr@sepon-boutique-resort.com.